
Policies & procedures


Table of contents


A. Introduction *



A. Executive Officers *


A. Introduction *

B. Agenda *

C. Attendance *

D. Minutes *

E. Board Members *

F. Guests *

G. Vacancies *


A. Committee chairpersons *

B. Recommended Committees *








D. Distribution *

E. Advertising *

F. Articles *



IX. Finances *

A. Income and Disbursements *

B. University Network *

C. Budget Submittal *

D. Budget Variance *

E. Earmarking Funds *

F. Emergency situations *

G. Budget Process Scheduling *


A. General Information *

B. How to proceed *

C. Rules of Debate *

XI. Definitions pertaining to the Rules of Order *
















P. RESCIND or AMEND something previously adopted *



Figure 1: Quick Reference Procedure Diagram

Figure 2: MACA Budget Form

    1. Introduction
      1. The purpose of these policies and procedures is to aid and guide the board of directors.
      2. These policies and procedures may be amended at any time by a Majority vote of all members of the Board of Directors
      3. These Policies and Procedures shall be subordinated to the Bylaws.

The Massachusetts Chess Association is an educational non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote chess in Massachusetts and represent the interest of chess players within the state to the governing body of chess in the United States, The United States Chess Federation (USCF).

As part of its role as a state organization, MACA has programs in place to support the existing chess community as well as promote chess among schools and the general public. Highlights of these programs are:

bulletProviding at least five major tournaments each year, The Massachusetts State Championships, the Danvers 30/30, the Mass Game 60 Championship, the Greater Boston Open and the Pillsbury Open.
bulletRunning a scholastic program which consists of a series of tournaments to determine the state's scholastic champions as well as "warm up" tournaments throughout the year. Free boards and sets are provided to schools and clubs through MACA's Comeau and Living Memorial funds.
bulletBimonthly publication of the award wining Chess Horizons, a journal of regional, national and international chess news and features.
bulletProviding free lectures and simuls through the "Masters" program, for affiliated clubs and their MACA members.
bulletPromotion and development of chess programs in correctional institutions through our Prison Chess program with support from MACA's Benjamin Landey-Emil Reubens Memorial Fund.
    1. Executive Officers
      1. President
        1. The president shall be the chief executive officer of the corporation and, subject to the control of the Executive Board, shall have general charge and supervision of the affairs of the corporation and shall be responsible for the corporation's general welfare.
        2. The president shall preside at all meetings of the members and at all Executive Board meetings, except as the members or the Executive Board otherwise determine.
        3. The president shall be an ex-officio member of all committee and all commissions.
      2. Vice-president
        1. The vice president shall have duties and powers as the Executive Board shall determine.
        2. The vice president shall have and may exercise all, the powers and duties of the president during the absence of the president or in the event of his inability to act.
      3. Clerk
        1. The clerk shall record and maintain records of all proceedings of the members and Executive Board.
        2. The records of the proceedings shall be kept in a book or a series of books kept for that purpose.
        3. The records shall be kept within the Commonwealth at the principal office of the corporation or at the office of its clerk or resident agent and shall be open at all times to the inspection of any matter.
        4. The records shall contain records of all meetings of incorporates and the original, or attested copies, of the articles of organization and by-laws and names of all Executive Board members and appointed officers and the address of each.
        5. If the clerk is absent from any meeting of the members or directors, a temporary clerk chosen at the meeting shall exercise the duties of the clerk at the meeting.
      4. Treasurer
        1. The treasurer shall be the chief financial officer and the chief accounting officer of the corporation. The treasurer shall be in charge of its financial affairs, funds, securities, and valuable papers and shall keep full and accurate records thereof. The treasurer shall have such other duties and powers as designated by the Executive Board or its president. The treasurer shall also be in charge of its books or account and accounting records, and of its accounting procedures. The treasurer shall report at the membership and Executive Board meetings on the financial position of the corporation.
    1. Introduction
      1. Board meetings should be focused on reaching a consensus on what action is to be taken or not taken by the organization.
    2. Agenda
      1. The President shall prepare an agenda prior to each meeting.
      2. The President will ensure that all board members receive an agenda no later than one (1) week prior to any meeting.
      3. Any board member wishing to place an item on the agenda should contact the President at least fourteen (14) days prior to any meeting.
      4. Any business that is to be brought before the board should appear as an agenda item. Examples of agenda items are:
        1. Reports- To present the results of some activity
        2. Direction- Discussion of an issue for soliciting the boards inclination.
        3. Proposals- A proposal requiring approval of the board.
        4. Nomination- Nominating committee is seeking a vote on a candidate for the board.
        5. Other- Other matters not clearly falling into defined item types.
      5. For any agenda item that requires a vote ( proposals ), the following guidelines apply:
        1. To streamline the voting process, it is suggested that the author of a proposal distribute the proposal and any relevant information prior to the meeting. Materials, of reasonable size, submitted to the President in writing at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting will be distributed with the Agenda.
        2. Board members are expected to review received information prior to the meeting.
        3. Board members are encouraged to discuss and clarify the proposal prior to the meeting.
        4. The discussion of the proposal at the board meeting should be focused on the pros and cons of passing the proposal.
    3. Attendance
      1. Board members are expected to make reasonable effort to attend all board meetings.
      2. Notice of a planned absence should be given to the President.
      3. When the President can not be reached, board members are expected to inform someone who will be attending of their planned abscence.
    4. Minutes
      1. The Clerk shall take minutes at all board meetings and annual meetings.
      2. All minutes shall be maintained as part of the permanent records of MACA.
      3. The Clerk shall maintain a running list of all motions made and the disposition of those motions. This list shall be distributed with the minutes. All motions shall be numbered for reference purposes.
      4. The Clerk shall maintain a list of all subcommittees and ad hoc committees established as well as the current status of those committees. This list shall be distributed with the minutes whenever there is a change in the information.
      5. The President shall designate someone in the absence of the Clerk who will serve as Clerk for the meeting and send the minutes to the Clerk.
    5. Board Members
      1. Are expected to follow USCF regulations, the bylaws of MACA and the Policies and Procedures of MACA.
      2. Are expected to abide by and support the decisions of the board even when in the Minority.
      3. Are expected to serve as ambassadors of dance, serving to promote the cause of Ballroom Dancing for everyone.
      4. Are expected to make themselves known to the membership to promote communication between the board and the general membership.
      5. Are expected to help one another. In particular, Directors at Large are expected to participate in standing committees.
    6. Guests
      1. Any board member wishing to have a guest invited to attend a board meeting, shall make a request of the President at least fourteen (14) days in advance of the meeting, with the name of the guest and the purpose of attendance.
      2. Guests may attend for the purpose of observing or providing information to the board.
      3. The President shall include the guest if there is sufficient room for the guest and if it is appropriate to have the guest at the particular meeting.
      4. If the guest is approved the President will include the guest introduction on the agenda.
    7. Vacancies
      1. Any board vacancy may be left vacant or filled at the discretion of the board.
      2. Any board member may sponsor any MACA member as a candidate to fill a board vacancy.
      3. The name of any recommended candidate shall be submitted to the Board, for consideration as a director.
      4. The sponsor of the candidate shall provide the member with information about the duties and responsibilities of board members.
      5. If the member remains interested in being a director, the sponsor shall obtain information about the nominee, including the nominee's qualifications.
      6. The sponsor shall submit a brief written description of the nominee to the President with a request that the candidate be invited to attend a board meeting.
      7. The President will distribute the submitted written description with the agenda for the meeting in which the candidate is invited to attend.
      8. The nominee shall attend the meeting for which they are scheduled and be introduced to the board by the candidates sponsor.
      9. After the candidate has attended a board meeting, the candidates sponsor shall contact the nominee to confirm he/she remains interested in becoming a director.
      10. If the nominee remains interested, the sponsor shall inform the president so that the balloting on the appointment of the candidate to the board may be placed on the Agenda of the next meeting.
      11. Nominees to fill a vacancy on the board must be elected by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members of the board.
      12. Non-board members are not to be in attendance during discussion or voting on candidates.
    1. Committee chairpersons
      1. Correspondence
        1. The chairperson for each committee, whether standing or ad hoc, shall provide the secretary with a copy of all correspondence directed to or sent from the committee, while retaining a copy for its own files.
      2. Notebooks
        1. The chairperson for each committee, whether standing or ad hoc, shall maintain a notebook consisting of all correspondence directed to or sent from the committee, as well as any other written material the chairperson deems relevant. In the case of a standing committee, this notebook shall be transferred to the succeeding chairperson of that committee. In the case of an ad hoc committee, upon the termination of that committee, this notebook shall be transferred to the secretary.
      3. Year-end reports
        1. The chairperson of each standing and ad hoc committee shall submit a year-end report to the president for inclusion with the agenda for the October meeting. This report shall be suitable for use in applying to USABDA for re-certification and shall include a summary of the past year's events and proposed goals and desired funding for the upcoming year.
        2. Upon the termination of an ad hoc committee, a project-end report shall be submitted to the president.
    2. Recommended Committees
      1. Archivist
        1. The archivist shall collect and maintain copies of records of all committees and officers in the effort to provide a profile of the responsibilities and duties of each office and maintain a history of committee efforts.
        2. The archivist shall also maintain an archive of the minutes of all meetings, copies of the official organ, the articles of organization, the by-laws, and such other material as may be deemed worthy of preservation.
        3. The archives shall be kept within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at the principal office of the corporation or at the office of the archivist and shall be open at all reasonable times to the inspection of any member.
      2. Budget coordinator
        1. The budget coordinator shall brief the Executive Board on trends of income and expenses, and shall present a budget of income and expenses for the coming fiscal year at the first regularly scheduled Executive Board meeting following the annual meeting.
      3. Club coordinator
        1. The club coordinator shall be responsible for the affiliate and club program which shall provide affiliates and clubs with informational, organizational, promotional, advertising, and educational materials, tournament supplies, and whatever other aid that may be deemed necessary in order to encourage growth and existence of chess clubs within the Commonwealth.
      4. College Chess Coordinator
        1. The college chess coordinator shall serve as a liaison between the corporation and college chess clubs, and promote collegiate chess activity within the Commonwealth.
      5. Comeau Fund coordinator
        1. The Comeau Fund coordinator shall administer the corporation's William Comeau Memorial Fund.
        2. Duties include soliciting donations to the fund, soliciting bids for Comeau Fund grants from Massachusetts elementary schools, determining and notifying the grantees of the fund for each academic year, and obtaining and distributing the necessary chess support materials to designated schools.
      6. Data processing coordinator
        1. The data processing coordinator shall construct and maintain a computerized database of the membership of the corporation, based on information supplied by the membership coordinator.
        2. Shall periodically provide the membership coordinator and other designated individuals printouts of this database.
        3. Shall provide a printout in the form of mailing labels to the publications coordinator for each edition of Chess Horizons magazine.
      7. Education coordinator
        1. The education coordinator shall develop, maintain, revise, and distribute a chess education program. The education coordinator shall coordinate and aid chess education programs amongst the affiliates and other organizations as may request the help.
      8. Fund raising coordinator
        1. The fund raising coordinator shall seek donations and bequests for the corporation.
      9. League coordinator
        1. The league coordinator shall promote league activity within the Commonwealth, aiding in the formation of new leagues, the advertising of all leagues, whether by advertising in the official organ or by mail campaign to appropriate organizations, and preparing and distributing a manual on league formation and organization.
      10. Master chess coordinator
        1. The master chess coordinator shall administer the corporation's programs and efforts to promote top level and professional chess competition and other activities.
      11. Membership secretary
        1. The membership secretary shall coordinate the membership function of the corporation, including recording memberships, compiling membership listings, producing mailing labels for the official chess organ and providing information as to the general welfare of the membership.
        2. The membership secretary shall provide the voting membership list for all meetings and mail ballots and shall give the Executive Board notice of an Executive Board member's membership expiration.
      12. Parliamentarian
        1. The parliamentarian shall act as parliamentarian at all meetings of the members and Executive Board and shall be fully knowledgeable of the rules of order, articles of organization, and these by-laws. The parliamentarian shall also provide aid in the drafting of amendments to the articles of organization and the by-laws, offering recommendations in wording or actions to the members, Executive Board, or authors. The parliamentarian shall also maintain a codified book of actions approved at meetings of the members and of the Executive Board.
      13. Prison chess coordinator
        1. The prison chess coordinator shall collaborate with the officials of correctional institutions in Massachusetts and other states designated by the Executive Board to initiate, promote, and develop chess activities within these institutions.
        2. Duties include the development of chess clubs, tournaments, and instructional programs, the promotion of correspondence play, and the coordination of visits by chess teams or masters in accordance with the wishes of the officials of these institutions.
        3. The prison chess coordinator shall administer the Benjamin Landey-Emil Reubens Memorial Fund to procure chess equipment, supplies, and other materials in support of prison chess activities.
      14. Promotion coordinator
        1. The promotion coordinator shall develop and coordinate programs to promote the corporation and its activities, endeavoring to increase the visibility and the participation in the game of chess.
      15. Publications Coordinator
        1. The publications coordinator shall manage and promote the official organ and any other publications the Executive Board may designate Scholastic coordinator
        2. The scholastic coordinator shall be responsible for the organization of corporate sponsored scholastic singles and team events and shall aid in the development of educational and competitive chess programs in the Commonwealth's schools.
        3. The scholastic coordinator shall be responsible for the advertising and distribution of the chess education program within the Commonwealth's schools.
      16. Tournament coordinator
        1. The tournament coordinator shall organize all corporate sponsored tournaments, solicit organizers to conduct corporate sanctioned events, and provide tournament organization guidelines for organizers.
        2. Shall submit a schedule and TLA information for all events projected out for the next two years.
        3. Shall update the TLA information as necessary throughout the term of office.
        4. Shall be responsible for the submission of TLAs to the USCF
      17. Volunteer coordinator
        1. The volunteer coordinator shall seek out persons to initiate and carry out programs of the Association.
    2. FEES

    The membership fees for Classes of membership as specified in the By-Laws shall be as follows:



    Junior (under age 18)


    Family (no Chess Horizons)




    Life (age 65 or older)


    1. MISSION
      1. The Publication shall contain articles, new and information which the editor deems to be of interest to the general membership of MACA.
      2. The Publication shall serve as a means by which the officers and committee chairmen can communicate information to the general membership.
    2. NAME
      1. The name of the printed publication shall be "Chess Horizons"
    4. Distribution
      1. All members of MACA shall receive the Newsletter free of charge.
      2. The Newsletter shall be distributed on a bi-monthly basis.
      3. The deadline for submissions for the next newsletter shall be the 10th of the even numbered month prior to the issue.
      4. Exceptions to the deadline for submissions must be requested of and granted by the Editor.
    5. Advertising
      1. Any moneys received from advertising shall go into the general operating account but shall be considered as revenue generated by the publication for budgetary accounting.
      2. The advertising review board, which shall consist of at least the publication editor and the chairperson of the public relations committee, has the authority to resolve all questions regarding the content, style, format and tone of all Newsletter advertising.
      3. With the exception of MACA events or Board approved free listings, the listing of any dance or competition shall be done only as paid advertising. Newsletter Advertising can be purchased in the following forms:
        1. Classified advertising for non-business-related items is available, to MACA members, at no charge, with each ad limited to 25 words. Advertisers must provide the Newsletter editor with the text of the ad no later than the regular newsletter deadline. Placement of the ad within the newsletter is within the discretion of the editor.
        2. Classified advertising for business-related items is available at the rate of 10 cents/word, with a $2 minimum. Advertisers must provide the Newsletter editor with the text of the ad no later than the regular newsletter deadline. Placement of the ad within the newsletter is within the discretion of the editor.
        3. Display advertising is available at the rate of $60/full page, $30/half page, $20/third page, and $15/quarter page. Advertisers shall provide the Newsletter editor with a master of the ad, no later than the regular newsletter deadline. Placement of the ad within the newsletter is within the discretion of the editor.
        4. Advertisers may have flyers enclosed with the newsletter, for the cost of $60/100 items. The advertiser shall provide the Newsletter editor with a master of the flyers, no later than the regular newsletter deadline. The editor will have copies made, and will enclose the flyer with the next newsletter. Each copy shall constitute an item.
        5. A mailing label service may be purchased for $25/100 items. The advertiser shall provide the Newsletter editor with the items stamped and ready for mailing, other than addressing. The editor shall affix the labels and deliver the items to the post office. Target mailing options such as certain zip codes, Competitive or Social type of dancer or within certain area codes are possible.
      4. Under no conditions shall the mailing list be sold to, given to or reviewed by advertisers.
    6. Articles
      1. Except as otherwise determined by the editor and any two other board members consulted by the editor, no committee shall be given more than one full page in any newsletter issue. Any photo submitted by a committee shall be included in the one-page limitation.



    This section is currently in development by the webmaster

  8. Finances
    1. Income and Disbursements
      1. Only one bank account for the organization shall be maintained. This account will be referred to as the "MACA" account.
      2. All income and disbursements associated with any activity of MACA shall be made to and from the MACA account.
      3. Anyone who submitted a budget, or becomes the chairman of a committee with a budget, is responsible to track and manage that budget. The treasurer will also track activity against committee activities, but only as a back-up to the committee chair.
      4. The Treasurer is responsible for tracking all income and disbursements to and from the MACA account.
      5. All reimbursements to individuals must be submitted to the Treasurer on the approved "MACA Check Request Form" and be accompanied by the appropriate receipts.
      6. For any MACA event or activity, all parties who may issue checks or any other form of payment in relation to the activity, shall be directed to make all payments to "MACA", not to individuals or other accounts.
      7. Representatives of the organization are not allowed to have checks or other payments made to them personally, except from the Treasurer of MACA.
      8. All distributions of funds shall be approved by the board by way of an approved budget, an amended budget or a specific vote of the board.
      9. Any financial issue where authority or procedures are unclear , shall be placed on the agenda for resolution at the next board meeting.
    2. University Network
      1. MACA shall maintain a separate accounting of funds relating to the "University Network"
      2. funds are held by MACA but are not useable funds for MACA.
      3. The University Network controls all flow of the University Network funds.
      4. The Treasurer shall make deposits and disbursements of the University funds under the direction of the person designated by USABDA as the Youth College Network Chairperson.
    3. Budget Submittal
      1. A budget must be submitted by any committee or individual that expects to spend or receive MACA funds.
      2. Budgets shall be submitted on the approved "MACA Budget Form". The form shall be designed such that income and expenses, both activity related and administrative, and capital expenditures are detailed on a monthly basis. Items may be distributed among months when appropriate.
      3. Committees and individuals must submit a "master" budget that summarizes all individual budgets. Separate budget forms for detailing activities included in a master budget are optional.
      4. Budgets should be based on projected income for the organization and not present account balance.
      5. Budgets should be accompanied with supporting documentation. Items that do not fit into the pre-designated categories must be clearly called out.
      6. Any expense that is greater than or equal to 10% of a committee's annual budget must be explained in supporting documentation.
      7. Any items that are expected to be purchased that will be available for future use and will become part of the 'holdings' of MACA must be detailed.
      8. When funds are specifically earmarked as a result of a particular event or activity, the details of to whom, for what, and how much, must be delineated in the supporting documentation for the budget.
      9. The President's will also include allocation for miscellaneous expenses in the administrative budget that will support committees or individuals that do not otherwise have a budget, but incur approved expenses.
      10. For any activity not appearing in the yearly budget, the advocate of the activity must present an activity proposal to the board which must include a budget proposal.
    4. Budget Variance
      1. Committees will be allowed a 5% variance above the approved budget without necessitating board approval. Expenditures that will bring the yearly total to above 5% of the approved amount, must be presented to the board for approval prior to reimbursement. No guarantees of reimbursement above the 5% variance of the approved budget will be offered - even if the money has already been spent.
      2. A committee is empowered to reallocate the expenditure of funds within their own master budget. If a particular activity expends more than planned, the committee is free re-distribute the funds among the other budgets within the committees master budget.
      3. Re-allocation of excess funds raised is a board driven activity. A committee is NOT free to reallocate income even within its own master budget.
      4. If a cost overrun is anticipated, the board may be petitioned to update the budget for the activities. Supporting documentation and a new budget must be submitted as part of the petition process.
    5. Earmarking Funds
      1. The board may vote on a per event basis, or on a per-type of event (e.g. charity dances) to specially earmark funds received at that event.
      2. Any event that is planned to have funds specially earmarked must be presented and approved as such in the appropriate committee's budget proposal or presented separately and approved as a budget amendment.
    6. Emergency situations
      1. When approval is required to spend extra money immediately and a board meeting/phone vote can not be taken an attempt must be made to contact the four (4) MACA Officers for approval.
      2. Emergency approval requires an approval of two (2) of the four (4) MACA Officers.
      3. Emergency approval is only valid for amounts up to $200.
      4. Emergency approvals must be placed on the next agenda for review by the board.
    7. Budget Process Scheduling
bulletSept: Committees present year-to-date report on actual vs planned to facilitate next budget cycle.
bulletOct: Treasurer calls for a master Budget from all committees and members.
bulletNov: Treasurer distributes a compiled budget to board for review and discussion.
bulletDec: Budget is voted on and approved by Dec 31st. (Must have budget for Jan 1 fiscal year).
bulletDec: Committees submit year-end actual budgets with a master summary statement.
bulletFeb: A MACA year-end actual budget and summary statement is presented by the Treasurer. If, due to changes in committee chairs, there is a need to modify the Dec budget, the board may vote to modify the budget at this time. It is expected that if a committee chair does not change with the Nov election, that the budget will also not change.
bulletJun:Each committee or individual shall report their planned vs actual income and expenses for the first half of the year. A summary will be compiled and presented by the Treasurer. This mid-year review will be implemented in conjunction with the June financial report to USABDA. The board will review and modify the overall budget as necessary based on the mid-term summary.
    1. General Information
      1. The object of rules of order is to facilitate the smooth functioning of the meeting and to provide a firm basis for resolving questions of procedure that may arise.
      2. The President has the authority and duty to make necessary rulings on questions of procedure. All references to the President regarding the Rules of Order may also be construed to be a reference to the Officer who is lawfully entitled to be and is serving as the Presiding officer of the meeting. If the President decides that the correct procedures are not being followed he/she declares the action that is being pursued as "Out of Order" and directs the board as to what may be properly done at that time.
      3. If at any time someone feels that the rules are not being properly followed he/she may "Rise to a point of Order" by saying "I rise to a Point of Order" or "Point of Order". This requires the President to immediately make a ruling as to whether the rules have been breached or not and if so to immediately correct the matter. If the President is not sure of how to rule or does not wish to rule on the issue, he/she may put it to a vote. A motion to appeal a ruling by the President may be made at this time and a vote taken. During the debate of the appeal, people may speak only once with the exception of the President who may speak first and last. An appeal must have a Majority in order to reverse the decision of the President.
      4. The President is always allowed to vote even if his/her vote may break or cause a tie or cause or block the attainment of a necessary two-thirds vote.
      5. A "Quick Reference Procedure Diagram" is provided as a guide to these procedures and is subordinated to these procedures.
    2. How to proceed
      1. During the course of a meeting a general discussion on some topic may occur. Generally, after some time discussing the topic at hand, the President may suggest that the board move onto some other topic or that someone offer a motion pertaining to the topic just discussed. If no motion is made the President will proceed to a new topic for discussion. If a motion is made, the procedures that follow are used.
      2. When someone wishes the Board to take official action, they must make a "motion" that the board take some specific action.
      3. Once a motion has been made and seconded it is considered to be question before the Board for consideration and is said to be "pending" or "on the floor".
      4. When no motions are pending ( on the floor ) a person may make motions to do the following:
      5. a. To Take some kind of action

        b. To Follow the order of events on the Agenda.

        c. To Rescind or Amend something previously adopted.

        d. To Reconsider

        e. To Make a motion to Adjourn.

      6. All motions must be seconded unless explicitly stated in these Rules of Order. A second is required to ensure that at least two people consider the motion worthy of consideration. It does not mean to imply that the person seconding necessarily favors the motion.
      7. When a motion is made, it must be seconded by someone saying "I second the motion", "I second" or "second". If no-one seconds the motion within a short period of time the President should ask "Is there a second". If there is still no second the president declares "There is no motion on the floor" and shall proceed to the next topic of discussion.
      8. After a motion has been seconded BUT before debate has begun, the following things are allowed to occur.
      9. f. A short and concise suggestion may be made to the maker of a motion to modify his/her motion. The maker of the motion may agree to or reject the suggestion. If the maker agrees to modify their motion, the person who seconded the motion must at this time confirm or withdraw their second of the modified motion. If the second is withdrawn, go back to STEP 5.

        g. A suggestion to withdraw a motion, with short and concise reason, may be made to the maker of a motion. The maker may withdraw his/her motion or reject the suggestion. No debate is allowed.

        h. The maker of a motion may withdraw his/her motion, providing a short and concise reason for doing so in the process. No debate is allowed.

      10. The President shall restate or have restated the motion to begin debate of the motion.
      11. After debate has begun on the motion that is on the floor, any of the following motions may be made to change the nature of the motion.
      12. i. To Amend the motion

        j. To Consider item by item

        k. To Divide the question

      13. The only ways to finish dealing with a motion that is on the floor is by the following means:
      14. m. Debate appears to have ended and the President asks "Is there any further debate". If no-one has anything further to say the President will follow the procedure on taking a vote.

        n. Motion to call the question. When seconded, the President is required to immediately end all debate and follow the procedure on taking a vote for the question or amendment to the question that was being debated. This requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present.

        o. Motion to Refer the question to a committee.

        p. Motion to Postpone until ( a particular date, time or event )

      15. To take a vote, the President shall restate or have restated the motion about to be voted on to signal that a vote is about to be taken and that nothing else is in order. The vote is taken by counting the number of board members responding to the following questions: "All those in favor", then "All those opposed" and then "Abstentions". The President then declares the result of the vote. Once the results of the vote are declared, the vote is considered closed and no-one may change their vote. When the board decides to do what a motion proposes, it is said to adopt the motion or carry the motion. When the board votes against the motion, the motion is said to be lost or rejected.
      16. Since the vote is now closed, the President will proceed to the next topic for discussion.
    3. Rules of Debate
      1. The presiding officer moderates debate and assigns who has the "floor" or the right to speak.
      2. The originator of the motion has the right to speak first during debate.
      3. Whoever has the floor is entitled to speak without interruption.
      4. Questions may be asked of the person speaking if the speaker wishes to allow it. Questions are not allowed to turn into private debate. Questions should be to solicit the speakers opinion or to clarify information.
      5. Debate must be confined to the merits of the pending question.
      6. Speakers must maintain a courteous tone, and, especially in reference to any divergence of opinion, should avoid injecting a personal note into debate. To this end, they must never attack or make any allusion to the motives of members. The measure, not the person is the subject of debate.
      7. The presiding officer should assign someone to moderate if he/she intends to participate very actively in the debate.


  3. Definitions pertaining to the Rules of Order
    1. ADJOURN
    2. To adjourn means to close the meeting.

      1. Must be seconded
      2. Is not debatable
      3. Is not amendable
      4. Requires a majority vote
      5. Cannot be reconsidered
    3. AMEND
    4. This motion is used to modify the wording of a pending motion before the pending motion itself is acted upon.

      The adoption of the motion to amend does not adopt the motion thereby amended; that motion remains pending in its modified form. Rejection of a motion to amend leave the pending motion worded as it was before the amendment was offered.

      A member's vote on an amendment does not obligate him to vote in a particular way on the motion to which the amendment applies; he is free to vote as he pleases on the main motion, whether it is amended or not.

      Majority Vote required to pass, even in cases where the question to be amended takes a two-thirds vote.

      1. Must be seconded
      2. Is debatable
      3. Is not amendable
      4. Requires a majority vote
      5. Can be reconsidered.
    5. APPEAL
    6. An appeal is a motion used to overrule the President when he/she has made a ruling on how to properly proceed in carrying out the intent of the Policies & Procedures. By electing a presiding officer, the board delegates to him/her the authority and duty to make necessary rulings on question of procedures.

      Is only in order when a Point of Order has been raised

      1. Must be seconded
      2. Is debatable
      3. Is not amendable
      4. Majority Vote is required
      5. Can be reconsidered
    8. This motion is used to cause an immediate vote on one or more pending questions.

      No other motions are allowed until this motion has been dealt with.

      Can be applied to any immediately pending debatable or amendable motion; to an entire series of pending debatable or amendable motions and to any consecutive part of such a series, beginning with the immediately pending question.

      1. Must be seconded.
      2. Is not debatable.
      3. Is not amendable.
      4. Requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present.
      5. Can not be reconsidered.
    10. A motion by which a member can require the board to conform to an agenda that has been published as the course of business for a meeting. The content and ordering of items on the agenda is left to the discretion of the President under advisement of the board and is not binding unless this motion passes.

      Is Out of Order if the published agenda is being followed.

      1. Does not require a second.
      2. Is not debatable.
      3. Is not amendable.
      4. Requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present. The motion that was in progress is considered Out of Order and the next topic on the agenda is discussed.
      5. Can not be reconsidered.
    12. A report or long motion consisting of a series of resolutions, paragraphs, articles, or sections that are not totally separate questions can be considered by opening the different parts to debate and amendment separately, without a division of the question. Only one vote is taken on the motion as a whole when debate has ended.

      1. Must be seconded.
      2. Is not debatable.
      3. Is amendable.
      4. Majority Vote required to pass.
      5. Can be reconsidered.
    14. When a motion relating to a single subject contains several parts, each of which is capable of standing as a complete proposition if the others are removed, the parts can be separated to be considered and voted on as if they were distinct questions.

      This motion would generally be made when it would appear that the debate on the merits of the overall motion might easily be settled if it were broken into separate pieces.

      The motion must clearly state the manner in which the question is to be divided.

      1. Must be seconded.
      2. Is not debatable.
      3. Is amendable.
      4. Requires a majority vote.
      5. Cannot be reconsidered.
    15. MOTION
    16. A Motion is a recommendation or suggestion for action or decision.

    17. OPEN VOTE
    18. The use of the phrase "Open Vote" in the stating of a motion is used to proscribe the manner in which the vote on the motion shall be taken.

      A motion using this phrase is made to allow a reasonable effort to be made to contact members of the board who are not currently present to vote.

      The motion is Out of Order if not at a meeting of the board of directors.

      The motion is Out of Order for items on the published agenda.

      If an "Open Vote" motion is passed, the President shall start the tally of the vote with those present at the meeting and complete the vote by following the procedure of a phone vote.

      Other than the manner in which the vote is tallied, all the other rules that would otherwise apply to the motion if it were not an "Open Vote", apply.

    19. PHONE VOTE
    20. This motion is made to allow action to be taken by the board between meetings of the board.

      Is Out of Order when a Board meeting is in session.

      May be Ruled out of Order by the President if the President feels the motion should wait until the next meeting of the Board.

      The President shall make a reasonable effort to contact all members of the board concerning the vote.

      The President shall present a report of who voted and their vote to the Secretary at the next meeting of the board for inclusion into the minutes.

      When enough votes have been cast to determine the result of the vote the President may then declare the vote closed and no longer accept any change of votes.

      Board members should abstain if they do not know which way they wish to vote yet and wish to debate the merits of the motion with other members. It is expected that board members shall return a vote within a reasonable time to the President.

      Board members may change their votes until the President has declared the vote closed. It is possible and allowable that the vote could close before the member has cast their vote.

      All phone votes shall expire as failed if not passed by the start of the next meeting of the board. This reason for failing shall be noted in the minutes with the Presidents report on the vote.

      1. Must be seconded
      2. Is debatable.
      3. Is amendable.
      4. Requires the normal Majority or two-thirds (2/3) appropriate for the motion. For Majority votes, the vote must be of All members of the Board.
      5. Can be reconsidered.
    22. When a board member thinks that the rules of the Policy and Procedures are being violated, he/she can make a Point of Order, thereby calling upon the President for a ruling and an enforcement of the regular rules.

      A Point of Order is always in order

      1. Does not require a second
      2. Is not debatable
      3. Is not amendable.
      4. Does not require a vote. The Point of Order is normally ruled upon by the President. No vote is taken unless the chair is in doubt or his/her ruling is appealed.
      5. Cannot be reconsidered.
    23. POSTPONE
    24. This motion is used to put off action on a pending question, with some limit, to a definite day, meeting, hour, phone vote or until after a certain event.

      1. Must be seconded.
      2. Is debatable; but debate is limited in that it must not go into the merits of the main question any more than is necessary to enable the assembly to decide whether the main question should be postponed and to what time
      3. Is amendable as to the time to which the main question is to be postponed.
      4. Majority Vote required to pass.
      5. Can be reconsidered.
    26. This motion is used to send a pending question to a relatively small group of selected persons, a committee, so that the question may be carefully investigated and put into better condition for the assembly to consider.

      1. Must be seconded
      2. Debate can extend only to the desirability of referring the main question and to the appropriate details of the motion to refer and not to the merits of the main question.
      3. Is amendable as to the committee or composition of the committee to which it is being referred.
      4. Majority Vote required to pass
      5. Can be reconsidered.
    27. RECESS
    28. A recess is a short intermission in the meeting which does not close the meeting, and after which business will immediately be resumed at exactly the point where it was interrupted.

      1. Must be seconded.
      2. Is not debatable.
      3. Is amendable as to the length of the recess; any such amendment is not debatable.
      4. Majority Vote required to pass.
      5. Cannot be reconsidered.
    30. This motion enables a majority in an assembly, within a limited time and without notice, to bring back for further consideration a motion which has already been voted on. The purpose of reconsidering a vote is to permit correction of hasty, ill-advised, or erroneous action, or to take into account added information or a changed situation that has developed since the taking of the vote.

      Can be made only by a member who voted with the prevailing side.

      The making of this motion is subject to time limits. The time limit shall be the duration of meeting in which the vote was taken or the following meeting in the case of a phone vote.

      1. Requires a 2nd by any member regardless of how they voted on the motion to be reconsidered.
      2. Is debatable in all cases in which the motion proposed to be reconsidered is debatable, and when debatable, opens to debate the merits of the question whose reconsideration is proposed.
      3. Is not amendable.
      4. Requires only a majority vote, regardless of the vote necessary to adopt the motion to be reconsidered. The original motion still requires the appropriate number of votes.
      5. Cannot be reconsidered.
    31. RESCIND or AMEND something previously adopted
    32. The motion to RESCIND, also known as Repeal or Annul is the motion by which a previous action or order can be canceled or countermanded. The effect of rescind is to strike out an entire main motion, resolution, rule, bylaw, section, or paragraph that has been adopted at some previous time.

      AMEND SOMETHING PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED is the motion that can be used if it is desired to change only a part of the text or to substitute a different version.

      A motion to RESCIND or AMEND provisions of the bylaws is subject to the requirements for amendment as contained in the bylaws.

      1. Must be seconded.
      2. Is debatable.
      3. Is amendable.
      4. Requires the same voting conditions to Rescind or Amend as it took to pass the original motion.
      5. A negative vote on this motion can be reconsidered, but not an affirmative vote.

07-25-93 Adopted - Section I. Rules Governing

07-25-93 Adopted - Section II. Board Meetings

07-25-93 Adopted - Section III. Rules of Order for Board Meetings

03-18-95 Reformatting of entire document and Renumbering of Sections

Amended to Include - Section I Mission Statement

Adopted - Section VI Finances

Amended to clarify Open Vote wherever found.

Amended to make minor corrections to Definitions


Figure 1: Quick Reference Procedure Diagram


Figure 2: MACA Budget Form