APPROVED MACA Board Meeting Minutes of 1-9-00

Attendees: Stephen Dann, William Gennert, Donna Alarie, Gus Gosselin, Peter Lee, George Mirijanian, Harvey Reed and Peter Sherwood. The meeting at the Kennedy Senior Center was called to order at 1:20 p.m.

Amendments were made to the minutes for the meeting on December 19, 1999. The minutes were then approved, as amended (motion by Mirijanian, Reed seconded), by a 7-1 vote (Sherwood dissented).

President’s Report: President Steve Dann’s report was based on his list of 17 items, titled "Solving MACA’s Problems, Not Symptoms". Steve outlined long-standing problems that have led to "presidential overload" and have resulted in our operating in "a crisis mode". The Clerk is sending a copy of this list to the five absent Board members.

Vice President’s Report: In Vice President Mike Gosselin’s absence Donna Alarie reported that he had prepared the Scholastic tournament mailing. To speed up delivery the Board eventually agreed to use first class mail.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Steve Frymer was absent, so Donna gave an informal report. It is expected that by February 1 all of the information needed to establish MACA’s financial condition will have been compiled. At that time Steve will step down, and Donna will assume the Treasurer’s responsibilities.

Membership Secretary Donna Alarie reported that the information from the Fall Foliage tournament has been added to the membership data base. There are still other names to be included, after which an accurate membership total will be available.

Election Commissioner George Mirijanian reported that the other Commission members are Allan Bennett, Larry Gladding and Martin Laine. He asked that anyone who is interested in running for office should let him know immediately.

As a member of the Tournament Committee, Donna Alarie reported that there has not yet been a face-to-face meeting. Steve Dann will contact Steve Frymer to remind him that such a meeting of the Committee members should be held as soon as possible.

Scholastics: Gus Gosselin reported that he had distributed the flyers for the Boston Youth Chessfest on Sunday, January 16.

Chess Horizons: Editor Peter Sherwood said that the last issue was late because of problems with the printer and the membership data base. Members should receive the next issue by March 1. Photos are now being produced electronically to reduce cost. The magazine is looking for an Advertising Manager to solicit new ads, get the copy for ads and collect money owed for previous ads. It also needs someone who can take photos, especially at tournaments.

Peter also wants to encourage the Tournament Directors at MACA-sponsored events to have Masters turn in score sheets for inclusion in Chess Horizons. Using duplicate score sheets with carbon copies was suggested. At Peter’s recommendation this matter was referred to the Tournament Committee for consideration.

The Board unanimously passed a resolution (moved by Mirijanian, seconded by Reed) to commend Editor Peter Sherwood for the professionalism and high quality of the January-February issue of Chess Horizons.

Motion 0028: (moved by Sherwood, seconded by Mirijanian) Effective immediately, it was moved that Chess Horizons subscriptions sent by domestic first class mail will cost $9. above the normal MACA membership. Motion passed without dissent.

Bylaws Committee Chairperson Donna Alarie distributed the revised version of Sections 1 and 2 of MACA’s bylaws for review. She would like to receive any comments before the next Board meeting. The Clerk has sent a copy of these revisions to members who were absent.

Steve Dann stated that any member who wants to be considered as a U.S. Chess Federation delegate should let him know by February 1.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Sunday, February 13, 2000 at the Kennedy Senior Center, starting at 1:00 p.m.

William R. Gennert