APPROVED  MACA Board Meeting Minutes of December 18, 2000



The meeting at the Kennedy Senior Center (Natick) was attended by Harvey Reed, Mark Kaprielian, Steven Frymer, Gilbert Gosselin, Michael Hoffpauir, Robert King, Peter Lee and Geoffrey Polizoti.  Robert Messenger was also present.  Donna Alarie appeared briefly and announced that she would be resigning as of December 19, 2000. 


The Board then appointed Robert Messenger as Treasurer.  He was authorized to spend his own money, as necessary, to pay MACA’s bills and that MACA would reimburse him. 


Steven Frymer was appointed as the new liaison for the U.S. Open tournament, with the authority to negotiate agreements for MACA.  Any such agreements would have to be approved by the Board. 


Gus Gosselin was appointed as Membership Secretary.  Mark Kaprielian, currently acting as Data Processor, preferred not to be appointed officially to that position.  He is training Gus to take over the data processing job.


Geoffrey Polizoti reported that he had obtained a pledge of a $500.. donation for the Prison Chess Fund from a corporate sponsor.


Motion 0143:  The Board appointed a Budget Committee, consisting of Steven Frymer, Robert Messenger and Peter Lee.


Motion 0144:  (Frymer moved, Gosselin seconded)  The motion to cancel MACA’s liability insurance policy was not passed, with 1 in favor (Frymer) and 6 opposed (Kaprielian, Hoffpauir, King, Lee, Messenger, Gosselin).  Peter Lee said that he would investigate the possibility of finding less expensive insurance.


There was some discussion of proposed bylaws changes, including whether there should be more or fewer Board members.  However, no action was taken as a result.



                                                     William R. Gennert



Note: the above information was provided by Treasurer Robert Messenger. .