MACA Board Minutes of May 14, 2001


The meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm by Vice President Mark Kaprielian at the Kennedy Senior Center.  Attending were:  Mark Kaprielian, Robert Messenger, William Gennert, Michael Hoffpauir, Robert King and Peter Lee.  Board candidate Anthony Gavelis was also present.  Board members Steven Frymer and Gilbert Gosselin joined the meeting at 7:50 pm and 8:20 pm respectively. 


Motion 0174:  (Messenger moved, Hoffpauir seconded) The minutes for the Board meeting on April 9, 2001 were approved without dissent. 


Treasurer Robert Messenger discussed his reports on MACA’s finances as of April 30, 2001.  The highlights were 1)  a $2,650. profit from Scholastics tournaments and the USCF grant of $1,102. in State Affiliate Support that contributed to a $2,238. profit for April,  2)  little change in the Special Funds Income Statement, as seen in the income total of $268. and total fund balances of $48,808., and 3) a Balance Sheet showing some cash inflow but continuing liabilities, i.e. the General Fund’s balance of $251. and $8,800. owed to the Life Membership Fund. 


Tournament Coordinator Steven Frymer reported that enough hotel reservations had been made to eliminate any rent charges for the Mass. Open.  A final count of tournament entrants was not yet available.  There was some discussion of the pros and cons of having tournament sites farther away from Boston.  As of this meeting, in spite of Steve’s several inquiries, USCF had not notified us of its financial agreement with MACA for the U.S. Open in August. 


Scholastics Coordinator Michael Hoffpauir had submitted the names of  Eugene Yanoyt as champion and Kent Leung to USCF for the Denker tournament.  He said that establishing the dates for next year’s tournament cycle was of primary importance. 


Mark Kaprielian stated that membership totals have been steady. with a recent increase from Scholastics.  In response to a question about verifying the current status of Life members, it was suggested that their names be listed in Chess Horizons so that members could provide information about any changes. 


As Election Commissioner, Michael Hoffpauir mentioned the cost of mailing ballots ($138.) and that 10% of the ballots had been received.  The envelopes will be opened at the Mass. Open where volunteers will count the votes. 


In his Investment Committee report Robert Messenger noted that Peter Lee and he were still trying to determine the experience of the individual stocks, bonds, etc. in MACA’s portfolio.  Reinvested dividends have complicated this process.  Gus Gosselin offered to provide the basic information on the history of our investments. 


Bob is also continuing to investigate the feasibility of finalizing our agreement with BanCard.  Their requirement regarding withdrawal rights has raised some questions and would probably necessitate our setting up a separate account for these transactions. 


The question of how to fund Chess Horizons magazine from membership dues, rather than other sources, will be on the agenda for the incoming Board.  The continuing objective of locating a less expensive printer was also mentioned. 


Robert King’s suggested amendment of Section 4.2 of the bylaws to establish a fixed number of Directors was not sent to all members within the time requirements for this annual meeting.  This prospective change will therefore have to be initiated at a later date.  Michael Hoffpauir agreed to draft the agenda for the annual meeting on May 27. 


Mike had suggested that the Board provide MACA’s USCF delegates with suggestions regarding issues for their meeting’s agenda.  The deadline for submitting any motions is June 1, 2001.  The ensuing discussion centered on USCF not being responsive to our concerns and not answering questions in a timely manner.  A list of the Board’s suggestions and concerns will be prepared by Michael Hoffpauir so that our delegates can be advised accordingly. 


Because of another commitment Robert King asked that the date for the next Board meeting be changed.  Motion 0175:  (King moved, Frymer seconded)  The motion that the next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 13, was passed without dissent. 


The Board had been advised that James DuBois of Peru, Maine, had volunteered to fill the vacancy of Club Coordinator.  Mark Kaprielian will contact the parties concerned for more information. 


The Board discussed the possibility for financial support for Max Enkin and Noah Pang as participants in the Pan American Youth Festival tournament in Argentina.  Any decision was complicated by the fact that Max will receive assistance from USCF while Noah, as an alternate, will not.  Motion 0176:  (Hoffpauir moved, Frymer seconded)  The motion that MACA direct Gus Gosselin to provide $150. from the Living Memorial Chess Fund to support Noah Pang’s participation in the Pan American Youth Festival tournament, with the stipulation that he provide a Chess Horizons article about his experience, was passed without dissent.  It was noted that, to be tax-deductible, checks for voluntary contributions to Max or Noah should be made payable to MACA, c/o Robert Messenger, Treasurer. 


The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m.


The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 13, 2001, starting at 7:30 p.m. at the Kennedy Senior Center.

                                                                    William R. Gennert
