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Hurvitz Cup
State Scholastic Team Championship

Tournament Details Revised: 2/23/2025 5:42:33 PM
General Information
Event Organizer: The Massachusetts Chess Association Scholastics  Visit Organizer Website
Event Location: Westford Regency Inn & Conference Center, 219 Littleton Road, Westford, MA 01886   [ Directions ]
Hotel Info: Hotel phone number is 978-692-8200.
Event Date: Sunday, March 23, 2025
Time Control: K-12 and K-8 G/60 d5; K-5 G/45 d5; K-3 G/30 d5
Rounds Time: Round 1 at 9:30 a.m., others ASAP.
Byes: No half point byes.
Prize Info: Trophies (team and individual) to the top three teams in each section, plus a Booster Prize in each section (the tournament director will determine the ratings cutoffs for the Booster prizes based on entries.), One team trophy and four individual trophies for each winning team. Medals for alternates on winning teams and for all players who score at least 3 points and don't win a trophy.
Inquiry: info@masschess.org    Bob Messenger (603) 891-2484. Day of the tournament call (603) 557-1732. No phone entries.
Registration Information
Entry Fee: $120 per team if postmarked by 3/17 or online by 3/21. On site $140. $10 discount for each new player (first USCF-rated tournament; limit $40 discount per team).
Registration - Onsite: 8:00-8:45 a.m.
Registration - Online: Available till END OF DAY OF 3/21/2025.
Registration - Mail: Payable: MACA. Mail entry to: Bob Messenger, 4 Hamlett Dr. Apt. 12, Nashua NH 03062
Membership Requirement: USCF and MACA membership required.
Sections Information
Tournament Sections: Register Now! Grades K - 12
Register Now! Grades K - 8
Register Now! Grades K - 5
Register Now! Grades K - 3
Tournament Rules and Other Information
  • Send team name and a list of players to info@masschess.org - your registration will not be completed if you don't send this.
  • Four players and one or two alternates (optional) are allowed per team. Players must be from the same school. Team members play in rating order, highest rated on board 1.
  • A team may have only three players, but will forfeit the bottom board in every match. Teams with only one or two players are not allowed.
  • For complete tournament rules check the Hurvitz Cup Rules here: http://www.masschess.org/scholastics/Hurvitz-Cup-Rules.aspx.
  • Proof of current USCF, MACA membership required for on-site entries. You will be required to pay membership fees if you can't provide membership card showing exp date or USCF receipt.
  • Entry fee discounts will be issued after the tournament: a $10 discount for each new player on a team who plays at least one game, maximum $40 discount per team.
  • Bring your own chess set, board, and chess clock (if you have one). Items not provided at tournament. But on site there will be a seller of chess equipment Randi, from whom you can buy chess sets, chess clock, chess books, etc.
  • No outside food may be brought into the hotel.

  • MACA provides tournament listing for all as a service to the chess community. For question, comments, or dispute regarding events that are not organized by MACA, please contact the tournament organizer directly.
  • Remember that each player is responsible for bringing and setting up their clock. Please refer to the Metrowest Chess Club Digital Clock Guide for instructions on how to set digital clocks.
  • MACA does not recommend but allows US Chess approved electronic scorekeeping devices. Please note that some national tournaments held by US Chess ban electronic scorekeeping, so be sure to know how to keep score without aid of electronics.
  • If online registration is enabled on this event, you can Join/Renew your USCF and MACA membership at the online registration page. If online registration is not available, you can join MACA (The Massachusetts Chess Association) at our Online Membership Form and USCF (United States Chess Federation) at USCF Membership Page.