Maca Web Assistance
The Maca site offers to host a few pages for a club or organizer who does not have a web site to post information.
All information is posted at Maca's discretion and Maca reserves the right to not post or to remove any material from its site that it so chooses.
Material that may be posted generally falls into one of the following categories.
Future Events Listings | |
As a service to the chess community, Maca strives to be a central location of information for area chess players. To this end, Maca will post information about upcoming events on its Future Events Pages. As of early 2003, Organizers will be able to obtain a password and Organizer ID from the Webmaster and enter/maintain their own event listings. | |
Event Flyers. | |
As of June of 2002, Maca generally does not post event flyers. Organizers can submit their event information for entry into the Future Events listings which will result in a flyer being made available for the event. Organizers may submit a document that contains their entire schedule for posting. | |
Club Information | |
Maca will post a central page of information about a club and associated materials for the club to be linked from that page. | |
Cross Tables from events | |
Maca will accept cross tables from events. Instructions about this process are detailed on the How to Submit Results page. | |
Link to a club or organizers site | |
If you have a site, please inform Maca so that we may provide links to your site where ever appropriate on the Maca site. |
If there are specific web issues they should be sent to the web team only at