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MACA Board Minutes
 MACA Board Meeting, December 9, 2012
 McDonald's, I-95 South, West Newton



President R. King called the December Board Meeting to order at 6:23 PM at the McDonald’s on Route 128 in Newton.  Eight people were in attendance: President Robert King, Vice-President Steven Frymer (departed 8:04 PM), Treasurer Robert Messenger, Clerk Nicholas Sterling (departed 8:36 PM), and Directors Nathan Smolensky, Walter Driscoll, Stephen Dann, and Marc Turgeon.  The Minutes were taken by Clerk N. Sterling with the assistance of R. Messenger after N. Sterling’s departure.


Minutes of the October Board Meeting were distributed by N. Sterling.  * * MOTION made by M. Turgeon and seconded by R. Messenger to approve the October Board Meeting Minutes; with 4 votes in favor vs. 4 abstentions, the MOTION passed. * *


President: (a) R. King reported that M. Turgeon has possession of the book collection from Paul G. Howard of Plympton and has drawn up an inventory, copies of which were available at the Meeting.  (b) Because the stock market dropped after the election,

R. King said that he is not interested currently in pursuing any stock investments.  He is, however, still investigating the municipal bonds in Puerto Rico, for example.


Treasurer’s report was read by R. Messenger:

  (i) (1) Net income of the General Fund this period as of 11/30/12: $2637.49 net loss. (2) Net income of the General Fund year-to-date as of 11/30/12: $3976.54 net loss.

(ii) (1) Special Fund income this period as of 11/30/12: $195.87, with $68.49 dividends.

(2) Year-to-date Special Fund income: $370.22, with $219.08 dividends. (iii) (1) Special Fund expenses this period: $138.32.  (2) Year-to-date Special Fund expenses: $745.27. (iv) (1) Special Fund net income this period: $57.55. (2) Year-to-date Special Fund net income: $375.05 net loss. (v) November 2012 Changes in Fund Balances: $2579.94 net loss. (vi) Total Assets as of November 2012: $58454.22. (vii) Reserve for Chess Horizons Expenses: $5300.00.


Membership: R. Messenger read the 12/5/12 Membership numbers as follows: Adults: 186 (-10); Junior 378 (-7); Life 215 (=); Affiliate 3 (=); Complimentary 4 (=);

D. Library 6 (=); D. Subscriber 14 (-1); Exchange 16 (=); Prison 287 (+2); Subscriber 11 (-3).  Total change in Membership and Subscribers: -19.


Tournament: R. Messenger reported: (a) The Pillsbury Memorial was held on 12/2/12 in Marlboro, and made a profit of $48.14.  (b) The site and date of the MA G/60 are still both TBA.  (c) The 2013 MA Open will be held on Memorial Day weekend for three days in Marlboro.


Scholastic: (a) S. Frymer reported that the 1st Spiegel Cup Qualifier was held on 11/18/12 and took in a proft of $508.91.  (b) The 2nd Spiegel Cup Qualifier will be held on 12/16/12 in Woburn.  (c) The 3rd Spiegel Cup Qualifier will be held on 1/5/13 in Cambridge.  (d) The 4th Spiegel Cup Qualifier will be held on 1/20/13 in Marlboro.

(e) Both the Hurvitz Cup and the Gus Gosselin Grade Championship are TBA as to site and date. (f) The Winter Team Challenge will be held on 2/3/13.


Publications:  R. Messenger reported that Chess Horizons is not yet published.

M. Turgeon suggested that someone else should be called upon to assist, or that the files be sent directly to Max Sewell, the Layout Editor.


Election:         (a) (i) * * MOTION (1212-1a) made by M. Turgeon and seconded by

S. Dann that all MACA Members are to receive, by 12/31/12, hard-copy mail notification of the deadline of 2/15/13 for nominations to the MACA Board of Directors.

(ii) * * AMENDMENT (1212-1b) proposed by R. King and seconded by S. Frymer to insert the word “Adult” between “MACA” and “Members”, so that the amended Motion would read “all MACA Adult Members”.  The VOTE was taken; with 3 votes in favor versus 4 against and 1 abstention, the Amendment was defeated. (iii) The VOTE was taken on the original MOTION; with 2 votes in favor versus 5 against, the Motion was defeated. * *

                        (b) * * MOTION (1212-1c) made by R. Messenger and seconded by

W. Driscoll that all Adult, Life, and Junior MACA Members in New England, with valid e-mail addresses on file, are to receive e-mail notification of the deadline of 2/15/13 for nominations to the MACA Board of Directors, and that all said MACA Members without valid e-mail addresses on file are to receive hard-copy mail notification of said deadline.  The VOTE was taken; with 5 votes in favor versus 1 against and 1 abstention, the Motion passed. * *





New Business:          (a) * * MOTION (1212-2) made by R. Messenger and seconded by S. Dann to suspend the dues and subscription rate increase that was approved as part of the budget, pending further action from the board.  The VOTE was taken; the MOTION passed unanimously. * *

(b) * * MOTION (1212-3) made by R. Messenger and seconded by W. Driscoll to appoint Stephen Dann as the chair of a committee to sell the books and magazines that were donated by Paul Howard. The VOTE was taken; the MOTION passed unanimously. * *

(c) * * MOTION (1212-4) made by S. Dann and seconded by

W. Driscoll to thank Marc Turgeon for the work he did accepting and cataloging the book and magazine donation from Paul Howard.  The VOTE was taken; the MOTION passed unanimously. * *


President R. King adjourned the December Board Meeting at 9:05 PM.  The date, time, and place of the January Board Meeting are Sunday 1/27/13, at 6:00 PM, at the Route 128 McDonald’s in Newton.


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,




                                                                        Nicholas Sterling, Clerk