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MACA Board Minutes
 MACA Board Meeting, June 9. 2013
 Papa Gino's, 291 Washington Road, Natick, MA



President N. Smolensky called the June Board Meeting to order at 6:03 PM at the Papa Gino’s in Natick.  Ten people were in attendance: President Nathan Smolensky, Vice-President John Sadoff, Treasurer Robert Messenger, Clerk Nicholas Sterling (departed 8:05 PM), and Directors Richard Kinne, Stephen Dann, Steve Frymer (arrived 6:15 PM), Robert King, George Mirijanian, and Marc Turgeon.  The Minutes were taken by Clerk N. Sterling with the assistance of Assistant Clerk R. Kinne after N. Sterling’s departure.


Minutes of the April Board Meeting and May Annual Meeting were distributed by

N. Sterling; corrections from R. Messenger and R. King had already been included.

* * MOTION made by M. Turgeon and seconded by R. Messenger to approve the April Board Meeting Minutes; with 1 abstention, the MOTION passed.  MOTION made by

R. Messenger and seconded by N. Smolensky to approve the May Annual Meeting Minutes; with 1 abstention, the MOTION passed. * *


Newly elected Vice-President John Sadoff was introduced to the group, and accepted his elected position.


Election: (i) G. Mirijanian reported that the Election results were the ones already stated in the May Annual Meeting Minutes, and therefore he waived reading them again.

(ii) * * MOTION (0613-1) made by R. Kinne to accept G. Mirijanian’s report, to certify the Election results, and to authorize the destruction of the ballots. The VOTE was taken; the MOTION passed unanimously. * *


President: N. Smolensky reported that he was grateful to have been elected President.  In response to a question from M. Turgeon, he said that he would wait to hear issues from the other Officers and Directors before attempting to make a plan for MACA.


Treasurer’s report, covering the period April-May 2013, was read by R. Messenger:

  (a) (i) (1) Net income of the General Fund this period as of 5/31/13: $4256.93. (2) Net income of the General Fund year-to-date as of 5/31/13: $6685.55. (ii) (1) Special Fund income this period as of 5/31/13: $212.28, with $69.47 dividends. (2) Year-to-date Special Fund income: $1132.89, with $510.87 dividends. (iii) (1) Special Fund expenses this period: $102.70.  (2) Year-to-date Special Fund expenses: $4394.16. (iv) (1) Special Fund net income this period: $109.58. (2) Year-to-date Special Fund net income: $3261.27 net loss. (v) (i) April-May 2013 Changes in Fund Balances: $4366.51 (ii) Year-to-date Changes in Fund Balances: $3424.28 (vi) Total Assets as of April-May 2013: $70501.29. (vii) Reserve for Chess Horizons Expenses: $9650.00. (viii) Reserve for Tournament expense: $1400.00


Membership: R. Messenger read the 6/4/13 Membership numbers as follows: Adults: 190 (-6); Junior 426 (+33); Life 213 (-1); Affiliate 3 (=); Complimentary 1 (=);

D. Library 5 (=); D. Subscriber 20 (+3); Exchange 16 (=); Library 1 (+1); Prison 274 (+2); Subscriber 11 (+1).  Total change in Membership and Subscribers: +33.


Tournament: (a) R. Messenger reported: (i) The MA G/60, held on 4/21/13, had a net loss of -$66.12. (ii) The MA Open, held 5/25-5/27/13, had a net profit of $2743.06.  Walter Champion donated $1877.00, less than last year. (iii) The New England Open, which has been granted to MACA, will be held on 8/31-9/2/13 at the Leominster Four Points Sheraton. (iv) The Greater Boston Open and Pillsbury Memorial need to have their sites and dates determined by the Tournament Committee, although 12/8/13 is a possible date for the Pillsbury.  (v) The Beantown Open was held on 5/11/13 and had 41 players, a turnout regarded as disappointing.  One possible reason for the low turnout was the lack of a TLA in Chess Life. 

                        (b) N. Sterling reported: (i) the NESA May G/30 had 12 players (a light turnout), and that the Unrated Section needed to run with only three rounds; (ii) the NESA June G/30 will be held on 6/29/13, 1:30-5:30 PM, 4R G/30; d5.  The site is New England Sports Academy in Westwood. 


Scholastic:    (a) S. Frymer reported: (i) The Hurvitz Cup, held on 4/28/13 and making a net profit of $1491.81 (R. Messenger), was generally well organized and fairly successful.  It was noted that the hotel corridor was quite crowded. (ii) Scholastics for the season 2012-2013 made a net profit of around $4000. (iii) M. Turgeon suggested a free Chess Day with Sections for Novice or Unrated players.  It could be seen as one way for Scholastics to expand (S. Dann).

                        (b) N. Sterling reported that the NESA Chess Team has had two monthly meetings so far, overseen mostly by master Steven Winer (his colleague at NESA).


Chess Horizons: R. Kinne reported that the editing process of the next CH issue (with Max Sewell) has begun.  The planned publication date of the online version is 6/21/13, and the printer copy will be released about a week later (R. Messenger).  Thereafter deadlines for submission of articles will be normalized at 3/1, 6/1, 9/1, 12/1, so that the issues may be seasonal. 


Committee Chair Nominations: [CLERK’s note: Except where noted, all Committee Chairmen listed below were elected without opposition.]

            Budget Committee Chairman: Robert Messenger

            Membership Secretary: Robert Messenger

            Tournament Committee Chairman: Robert Messenger

            Scholastic Committee Chairman: Steven Frymer

            Publications Committee Chairman: position dissolved (see MOTION 613-2a below)

            Education Committee Chairman: Nicholas Sterling and Marc Turgeon

                        * * A VOTE was taken by SECRET BALLOT, with R. Kinne serving as

Teller; by a 6-4-0 vote, Nicholas Sterling was elected. * *

            Parliamentarian: Richard “Doc” Kinne

            Prison Chess Coordinator: Steven Frymer

            LMCF Coordinator: Steve Frymer

            Club Coordinator: Robert King

            Web Committee Chairman: Nicholas Sterling

            Bylaws Committee Chairman: Richard “Doc” Kinne and Robert King

                        (John Sadoff was also nominated, but declined the nomination)

                        * * A VOTE was taken by SECRET BALLOT, with N. Sterling serving as

Teller; by a 6-3-1 vote, Richard “Doc” Kinne was elected. * *

            Assistant Clerk: Richard “Doc” Kinne

            Promotions Coordinator: Nathan Smolensky

            Volunteer Coordinator: Stephen Dann

            Fundraiser Coordinator: George Mirijanian

            Investment Committee Chairman: position not created (see MOTION 613-5 below)


(i) * * MOTION (613-2a) made by R. Kinne and seconded by N. Smolensky to dissolve the Publications Committee.  The basis of the Motion was that the Editor and his staff could really handle the production of Chess Horizons himself without the need for a formal “committee”. (ii) * * AMENDMENT (613-2b) made by S. Dann and seconded by

M. Turgeon to merge the Publications and the Web Committees.  The Amendment received the general unfavorable response that the tasks of the two Committees are quite different and should not be conflated into one. (iii) * * An AMENDMENT (613-2c) made by M. Turgeon that the tasks of the erstwhile Publications Committee be assigned to the Education Committee went by without a second. (iv) * * The VOTE was taken on the first AMENDMENT; with no votes in favor, 7 against, and 3 abstentions, the MOTION was defeated. (v) * * The VOTE was taken on the original MOTION; with 7 votes in favor, 2 against, and 1 abstention, the MOTION passed. * *


Old Business: none


New Business:          (a) * * ADVANCE MOTION (613-3) made by R. Messenger and seconded by N. Smolensky to transfer $596 from the General Fund to the Life Membership Fund, and transfer $1110 from the General Fund to the Prison Fund, because of missed Chess Horizons issues. The VOTE was taken; the MOTION passed unanimously. * *

                                    (b) * * ADVANCE MOTION (613-4) made by R. Messenger and seconded by G. Mirijanian to change MACA’s fiscal year, beginning with the fiscal year starting 7/1/13, subject to approval by the Internal Revenue Service, such that the period from 7/1/13 to 4/30/14 would be a 10-month fiscal year, and thereafter each fiscal year would start on 5/1 and end on 4/30 of the following year.  The VOTE was taken; with 6 votes in favor, 2 against, and 1 abstention, the MOTION passed. * *

                                    (c) * * An ADVANCE MOTION (613-5) made by R. King, to appoint Board Member Robert E. King as Chairman of the hereby established Investment Committee for the purpose of continuing the investigation of investment opportunities and to make recommendations for Board approval, and also to allow any trading that it considers to be urgent that would have to be taken prior to a Board Meeting, went by without a second. * *


President N. Smolensky adjourned the June Board Meeting at 9:39 PM.  The date, time, and place of the July Board Meeting are Sunday 7/28/13, at 3:00 PM, at New England Sports Academy in Westwood.  [CLERK’S note: a possible conflict with space usage made it potentially necessary to reschedule the time to 5:30 PM; this is still TBD as of this date.]


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,




                                                                        Nicholas Sterling, Clerk