Massachusetts Chess Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 29, 2021, 7:30pm
Virtual Meeting
ATTENDEES: Andrew Hoy (President), Robert Messenger (Treasurer), Jeff Caruso (Clerk), and Directors Yi Wang and Paul Arond.
CALLED TO ORDER at 7:35 p.m.
1. Minutes
MOTION (AH/RM): to approve the minutes of the August 25, 2021 Board meeting. Passed 5-0.
2. Upcoming tournaments.
Mr. Hoy, Mr. Messenger, and others discussed plans for upcoming tournaments, including the Massachusetts Open, the first and second Spiegel Cup Qualifier tournaments, and the Girls Championship.
MOTION (AH/YW): For the Spiegel Qualifiers, change to grade-based sections: Grades 9-12, Grades 6-8, Grades K-5, and Grades K-3. Passed 5-0
MOTION (AH/YW): The Girls Championship will consist of a 6-person round robin tournament, with 5 players invited by rating and one qualifying via Qualifying tournament. Passed 5-0
3. Girls Camp
Mr. Wang gave a report on the status of the Girls Camp program. This summer there was not a large turnout. Mr. Wang may organize another camp this winter or next year.
4. Boylston Chess Club
Mr. Hoy reported that the BCC purchase of property in Medford is currently on hold. There is still no formal proposal for the MACA Board to consider.
5. Executive Session
The Board met in Executive Session from 8:45 p.m. to 9:35 p.m.
6. Next meeting
Unanimous consent motion (AH): the next meeting will be on November 3, 2021, at 7:30pm, via Zoom, or possibly a hybrid meeting depending on COVID numbers. Passed without objection.
ADJOURNED at 9:39 pm.
Minutes written by Jeffrey Caruso, MACA Clerk |