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MACA Book Review
Adolf Albin in America: A European Chess Master’s Sojourn, 1893–1895 Adolf Albin in America: A European Chess Master’s Sojourn, 1893–1895
by: Olimpiu G. Urcan

Price: $49.95
ISBN: 978-0-7864-3010-9
Format: Book 286pp.
Publisher: McFarland & Company, Inc.

Reviewed by: Chess Horizons Editor Mark Donlan
Recommendation: Recommended

This book focuses on Adolf Albin’s time spent in New York, with details on his life and chess career from tournament reports, newspaper articles, consultation games, and previously unpublished data. During his two-year sojourn Albin played in a number of tournaments, beating Steinitz and Pillsbury, and contested matches with Hodges, Showalter, and Delmar. 

Many of the collected games were featured in periodicals of the day and contemporary annotations are provided. However, the author does more than just collect and present games; he also attempts to reveal the story of Albin’s life in America so that the reader know what he “lived of.” Along with 130 of Albin’s games, there are many supplementary games, as well as illustrations and crosstables.

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