Where can I find chess camp for my children?
You can find chess camps on our Chess Camps and Classes page.
Where can I find chess coaches for my children/school?
Please visit our Local Chess Coaches Page for coaches in the area and around the nation.
How can I get free chess equipment for my school/organization?
Please visit The Living Memorial Chess Foundation (LMCF) page to find out the details.
How do I get my child introduced to tournament chess in a non-pressure way?
The best way is to look at our tournament listing and contact the tournament organizers and ask him/her if it is an appropriate event for your child's age/level. The scholastic tournaments are listed with Yellow Green background on the event date column.
How do I start or how do I run a chess club at my child's school?
Read USCF's Scholastic Chess FAQ page first. You can also contact our Scholastic Committee for help.
Where can I find more information about Scholastic Chess?
You can find more information by visiting MACA Scholastic page or USCF Scholastics page.