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The Living Memorial Chess Fund (LMCF)

The "Living Memorial Chess Fund", a tax deductible 501 (c) 3 fund, has provided hundreds of chess sets and boards to schools, libraries, junior chess clubs, human service organizations and community groups.

Numerous Schools and libraries have received free equipment for chess programs. The supporting of chess for children is very important. There is great need to help youth develop a widespread interest and competence in the playing of chess. Encouraged by elders and peers, chess can capture many children's imaginations, free time and wild energy! It's important that children free time be occupied and they won't get into drugs. (Its a sure way Checkmate Drugs.) At schools and at other sites children that do not have chess sets at home are given chess sets and easy to understand chess literature.

Please donate to the LMCF. All donations are tax deductible and can be made on behalf of persons living or deceased. If person is living be sure to include his/her address; and we'll happy to send a card of acknowledging your thoughtfulness. Even if you do not want to honor someone you still can make a donation.

To give a permanent memorial to one who is deceased or a continuous honor to one who is living, please consider a donation to the LMCF. A minimum donation of $35 is required to add his or her name to the list.

Items for auction will be accepted. Also, your old chess, bowling, golf, and bridge trophies can be recycled. If making a cash donation make checks payable to MACA-LMCF with this form and mail to MACA Treasurer. If you have further questions, please ask via email here.

LMCF Application
Download LMCF Application

Needham School Letter
Thank You Letter from Needham Public Schools