The Living Memorial Chess Fund (LMCF) Awards
2004 - Now
03/14/2020: 10 chess sets to Paul Gates Elem. School, Acton 01720, Kevin Hass, 978-933-1999
02/09/2020: 5 chess sets to Center School, PO Box 477, Mattapoisett 092739 c/o Colleen Johns, librarian, 508-758-3521
11/16/2019: 6 chess sets to NECHV, 17 Court St., Boston 02108, c/o Paul Brisbon, 857-800-7464
11/11/2019: 10 chess sets to Dupont Middle School, 650 Front St., Chicopee 01013 c/o Patrick Nazim, 413-594-1881
10/15/2019: 15 chess sets to Young Achievers Math & Science Pilot School, 20 Outlook Rd., Mattapan 02126, E. Sumpter 857-266-1933
09/16/2019: 8 chess sets and boards [free] to Newton Community Ed c/o Lisa Rucinski, 457 Walnut St., Newton, MA 02460 617-559-6995
08/30/2019: 12 sets and boards [free] to NESSP, 99 Shirdi Way, Groton, MA 01450 c/o Nagen Natti [781-296-5946]
01/19/2019: 9 chess sets to Dartmouth Middle School, 366 Slocum Rd., Dartmouth MA 02747 c/o Jay Sullivan 508-997-9333 X3130;
11/24/2018: 10 sets and 1 demo board to Lee School [Boston] and 7 sets to Young Achievers School [Boston] to Boston Chess Initiative [Lee school and Young Achievers school] via Darlene Knight
11/03/2018: 8 chess sets to Sharon Cooperative School, 29 N. Main St., Sharon 02067 Neha Jaipuria/Abigail Marsters
10/14/2018: 10 sets to Governor's Academy Chess Club 4 Elm St. Byfield 01922 Jacob Falconer 603-707-1304
09/26/2018: 10 sets w/ standard boards to H.C. Sanborn Elementary School, 90 Lovejoy Rd Andover 01810 c/o Jason DiCarlo 978-247-9700
09/21/2018: 5 chess sets w/ standard boards to St. Mary's School, 162 Washington St, Winchester 01890 c/o Kellie Kickham 781-729-5515
09/20/2018: 5 chess sets w/ analysis boards to St. Stephen's Armenian Elementary School, 47 Nichols Av, Watertown 02472 c/o Patti Murphy []
04/30/2018: 10 free and 6 paid chess sets, and 1 free chess clock to Funky Owls Chess Club c/o Elsie Smits, 178 Westfield Dr., Holliston MA 01746 [508-306-1812]
01/14/2018: 4 chess sets to Emmaus, Inc., 127 How St., Haverhill, MA 01830 via Denise Arnold 978-377-0639
12/11/2017: 12 sets [10 free] 2 demo boards [1 free], 20 CH's and several cd's to KIPP Academy. Mattapan c/o Eliz. Myers 973-986-3631
12/11/2017: 10 sets, 1 demo board, 20 CH's and cd's to The Islamic Academy of Peace, Methuen, c/o Ana Choukri 617-505-8430
12/03/2017: 10 chess sets and demo board to Hampshire Regional HS, 19 Stage Rd., Westhampton, MA 01027 c/o Jose Linares 413-789-1202
11/21/2017: 10 sets, cd's/dvd's, 20 chess horizons/5 school mates chess magazines to Venerini Vcademy, 27 Edward St., Worcester 01605 via Ian Carlson 508-667-7397
11/20/2017: 7 sets, demo board [no pieces], cd's/dvd's and 20+ chess horizons magazines to Nativity Prep, 39 Lamartine St., Jamaica Plain 02130, via Kevin Sullivan 857-728-0031
11/05/2017: 10 sets, 1 demo board and a box of dvd's to R.G. Doering Middle School in Agawam, MA c/o Jose Linares
11/05/2017: 3 chess sets to Agawam Senior Center c/o Jose Linares
10/23/2017: 3 chess sets to Oak Hill Middle School, Newton, MA c/o Lou Mercuri
10/23/2017: 7 chess sets to Zervas Elementary School, Newton, MA c/o Lou Mercuri
10/03/2017: 21 chess sets, 21 dvd's and 6 chess books to Massachusetts Dept. of Correction, 50 Maple St., Milford MA c/o James Harrington, Dir. of Volunteer Services
08/01/2017: 6 chess sets, a demonstration board, and several dozen chess magazines to City View Discovery School, 80 Prospect St., Worcester MA 01605 via Cindy Vail/508-799-3670 [Susan Teixeira, contact]; Bill Shakalis will be teacher
03/09/2017: 6 sets, 2 clocks and 30+ chess magazines to Redemption Christian Academy, 154 So. Mountain Rd., Northfield MA 01360, Marquita Wilchcombe, director, 518-892-1671, Roman Tsipenyuk, chess teacher
01/10/2017: 3 chess sets to Peirce Elementary School, Newton Ma c/o Larry Eldridge teacher/Newton Comm. Ed.
01/10/2017: 4 chess sets to Burr Elementary School, Newton MA, c/o Larry Eldridge teacher/Newton Comm. Ed.
12/08/2016: 6 chess sets to Winn Brook Elem. School, 97 Waterhouse Rd., Belmont 02478; Shana Wang WB PTA, Larry Eldridge/chess teacher
11/24/2016: 8 [junior] chess sets and 2 digital chess clocks to chess clubs in Cuba via Jacob Chudnovsky, Somerville MA
10/02/2016: 7 sets  to Cunningham Elem, School, 44 Edge Hill Rd., Milton 02186; Pamela Dorsey/prog. dir.; David Vigorito/chess teacher
10/02/2016: 7 chess sets to Collicot Elem. School, 80 Edge Hill Rd., Milton 02186; P. Dorsey/prog. dir.; D. Vigorito/chess teacher
10/02/2016: 7 chess sets to Glover Elem. School, 255 Canton Ave., Milton 02186; P. Dorsey/prog. dir.; D. Vigorito/chess teacher
10/02/2016: 7 chess sets to Tucker Elem. School, 187 Blue Hills Pkwy, Milton 02186; P. Dorsey/prog. dir.; D. Vigorito/chess teacher
09/20/2016: ten chess sets  to Newton Comm. Ed.: Bowen elem./6 sets; Horace Mann elem./1 set; Day middle/3 sets
09/09/2016: 10 chess sets and back issues of Chess Horizons to Boston Center for Youth Families/Tobin Community Center, 1481 Tremont St., Roxbury, MA 02120 Robert Chan, 617-635-5216
09/09/2016: 10 chess sets and back issues of Chess horizons to Boston Center for Youth Families/Blckstone Comm. Ctr., 50 W. Brookline St., Boston MA 02118 Robert Chan, 857-269-5123
06/05/2016: 4 sets and 40 magazines to E. Bridgewater Jr/Sr HS, 143 Plymouth St., e.B. MA 02333 c/o Kelly Hansen [teacher] 508-378-8214
02/16/2016: 10 sets/boasrds, 1 digital clock, chess books and chess magazines to Agawam Jr. HS, 1305 Springfield St., Suite 2, Feeding Hills, MA 01030 [Joe linares, chess teacher]
01/30/2016: 3 sets and analysis boards  to Day Middle School [Newton] via Lisa Rucsinski at Newton Comm. Ed. [N. Sterling, teacher]
11/08/2015: 5 sets to Academy of Creative Arts, 217 Middlesex Turnpike, Burlington 01803, c/o Anil Ahuja781-652-0555
10/10/2015: 6 sets  to Ward Elementary [Newton Centre] via Lisa Ruczinski, Newton Comm. Ed.
07/06/2015: 64 copies of Chess Horizons magazine  to Chess-in-the-Schools c/o Shaun M. Smith, 520 8th Av. Fl. 2, NY, NY 10018
06/19/2015: learing tools for classroom via gift from Bob Messenger [Joe Linares will be the teacher] to Duggan ExpeditionaryLearning Magnet School, 1015 Wilbraham Rd., Springfield MA 01109, Mary Kay Brown, Magnet Adm., 413-886-5442
05/24/2015: 5 sets, 2 clocks and 60 back issues of Chess Horizons  to Agawam High School chess club c/o Keith Ireland [principal] 774-644-1307. Class overseen by Joe Linares 413-789-1202
05/24/2015: One set [donated[ to Barbara Goldin, diector, Edwards Public Library, 30 East St., Southamption, MA 01073
12/05/2014: 4 sets to Boston Univ. Academy c/o Matthew Lee, 4 Mistry Ln., E. Walpole MA 02032
11/23/2014: 10 free sets plus 10 sets at $8 per set plus 10 sets at $9 per set to Andover Chess Club c/o Michael Henroid, 28 Webster St., Andover, MA 01810. 781-790-6461
09/29/2014: 6 chess sets to Zervas Elem. School, Newton MA c/o Lou Mercuri, 502 South Ave., Weston MA 02493
05/20/2014: 5 sets and boards to Metrowest Jewish Day School 300 Pleasant St., Framingham MA 01701 c/o Scott Sokol Ph'D 508-620-5554
05/14/2014: 8 sets and boards  to John Glenn Middle School, Bedford, MA c/o Josh Shaine, 978-597-0977
03/22/2014: 5 sets to Riverdale Elementary School, 143 Needham St., Dedham 02026 c/o Sunshine Millea, 617-335-8076
03/08/2014: 8 sets  to Oakdale Elem. School, 147 Cedar St., Dedham 02026 c/o Jeanne Boudrow 781-310-6000
03/08/2014: 5 sets to Greenlodge Elem. School, 191 Greenlodge St., Dedham 02026 c/o Donna Lalos 781-310-4000
01/04/2014: 8 sets free and 8 sets @ $8 each on 16 June 2015 [N. Natti, 4 Ashley Cir., Acton 01720 to NESSP 290 Littleton Rd., Unit 3, Chelmsford MA 01824, c/o Varun Palnati, 078-392-9447
12/31/2013: 4 sets  to David Prouty High School, Robt. O'Brien, principal, c/o Jackson Paul []
11/17/2013: 10 sets [free]  to Sewell-Anderson Elementary School Chess Club c/o Patricia Mallett [principal] and Alicia Cefalo 781-315-2146
09/21/2013: 8 sets to Milton Academy Chess Club c/o David Vigorito
04/28/2013: 10 sets free; 6 sets @ $6 each; several dozen issues of Chess Horizons magazine to Northeast Center for Youth and Families, 201 East St., Easthampton, MA 01027; Steve Dion, principal [413-529-7700],; Danielle Crescione [413-588-8900];
03/10/2013: 8 free sets  to St. Francis Xavier School, 223 Main St., Acushnet MA 02713-1597, Raymond Concannon, ches club moderator/teacher, 508-995-4313;
03/10/2013: 4 free sets plus 3 additional free sets on 3 January 2016 to Mattapoisett Free Public Library, 7 Barstow St. PO Box 475, Mattapoisett MA 02739, c/o Linda Burke, librarian, 508-758-4171,, Jim Kegle, chess teacher, 913-481-5006
01/20/2013: 10 free and 10 @ $6 each to Spirit of Knowledge Charter School, 19 Chatham St., Worcester, MA 01609, Jonathan Choi phd 508-340-6983, Paula Bailey exec dir 508-252-7321 X8111
11/19/2012: 10 free sets and 15 sets at $6 each to St. Catherine of Siena School, 244 Nahatan St., Norwood 02062, Mary Russo, principal, 781-769-5354, Pam Bourque, parent [781-864-5254], David Vigorito, teacher
09/27/2012: 5 sets and boards to YearUp, 93 Summer St., Boston 02110 c/o Michael Goldstein, 617-542-1533 X1568
09/22/2012: 6 sets to Boston Univ. Academy Chess Club, 1 University Rd., Boston MA 02215 c/o Andrew Wang 781-201-9379
09/19/2012: 10 sets and boards to Lincoln Elementary School, 80 W. Wyoming Av., Melrose 02176, c/o Brent Conway, principal; teacher Robb Stewart
09/07/2012: 24 sets & boards [12 standard rollups, 6 small rollups, 6 small heavy paper] to Bird Street Community Center, 500 Columbia Rd, Dorchester MA 02125, 4 Boston elementary schools, c/o Kathy Thomas, 617-282-6110 X15, teacher Ross Eldridge
08/16/2012: 8 sets and boards to Westwood Chinese School c/o Yunlu Jin/978-590-8527; teacher Farzad Abdi
04/17/2012: 4 sets and boards to Tucker Elementary "early" School program, Blue Hills Parkway, Milton c/o Elaine Coughlin, 55 Valley Rd., Milton
04/14/2012: 30 sets and boards to Newton Community Education/5 schools/6 sets per school/c/o Larry Eldridge
04/14/2012: 5 sets and boards to International School of Boston c/o Larry Eldridge
04/10/2012: 4 sets and boards to Pawtucket YMCA c/o David Harris
04/04/2012: 5 sets and boards  to Nativity School of Worcester, 67 Lincoln St., Worcester, MA 01605 c/o Harun Thimmiah, 508-799-0100; teacher is Predrag Cicovacki
03/22/2012: 4 sets and boards to Newton Community Education c/o Ross Eldridge, 617-953-6539
12/31/2011: 17 sets for $170 to "The Boston Chess Club" c/o Hector Perez; assistance for adult education in Cambridge and Boston
12/03/2011: 10 free sets and 6 sets @ $6 each to Bowman Elementary School, Lexington MA, c/o Anne Kubik, parent volunteer, 7 Bennington Rd., Lex. MA 02421
10/17/2011: 9 sets to Avery Elementary School, 123 High St., Dedham; c/o Maureen Sargent 781-461-9055; Clare Sullivan, principal
10/14/2011: 10 sets free and 6 sets @ $6 each to Spring Street School, Shrewsbury, Steve Bird, 508-868-6705
09/27/2011: 5 sets to YearUp, 93 Summer St., 9th Fl., Boston, MA 02110 c/o Michael Goldstein, 617-542-1533 X1568
09/03/2011: 10 sets  to Winthrop High School c/o Eliz. R. Gynn; Gail Conlon, principal, 617-846-5506
08/30/2011: 6 sets to German International School of Boston, Holton St., Brighton; c/o Maryanne Reilly, chess teacher
08/29/2011: 10 sets free and 5 sets @ $6 each to St. Mary of the Hills elementary school, Milton, MA c/o Daryl Cameron Every, Randolph; teacher Dave Vigorito
07/08/2011: 10 sets and boards  to Farnswood [elderly community center] House, adult education and local schools in Jamaica Plain via Hector Perez, 18 Wayburn Rd., JP/Boston
05/02/2011: 10 sets and boards free and 5 sets and boards @ $6 each to Curley Elementary School [Curley After School Program], Jamaica Plain, Mass., Torri Canada, Dir., 617-777-9330, c/o Dominic Burdick, treasurer, CASP
03/31/2011: 8 sets and boards to Jacob Edwards Public Library, Southbridge, Mass., Margaret Morissey, Library Dir., 508-764-5426
03/18/2011: 10 sets and boards  to Stoneham Public Library, 431 Main St., Stoneham, MA c/o Lawrence Lavigne, Jr.; Janice Chase, Librarian, 781-438-1325
03/15/2011: 5 sets and boards to Brown Middle School, Newton MA via Maryanne Reilly
03/06/2011: 8 sets and boards  to Douglas Middle Shool, Douglas MA c/o Tracey Zuliani, math teacher and chess club advisor
02/25/2011: 10 sets and boards  to Clara Barton Elementary School, 25 Depot Rd., Oxford MA c/o Donna Alarie, chess teacher; Stephen Baroni, principal, 508-987-6066
02/24/2011: 10 sets/boards free and 5 additional sets/boards at $6 each to Wareham Middle School, Wareham MA c/o Linda Stewart, math teacher and chess club adviser
01/09/2011: 6 sets and boards to Hamilton-Wenham Public library, 14 Union St., S. Hamilton MA 01982, Jan Dempsey/Director c/o Rebecca Shea
01/05/2011: 10 sets/boards free and 5 sets paid on 11/12/2013 to Benjamin Baneker Charter School, Cambridge MA c/o Beebe Wiegand, Belmont MA
01/02/2011: 10 sets/boards [free] and 20 sets/boards @ $5 each to Boylston Elementary School, 200 Sewall St., Boylston MA 01505, Paul Goodhind, principal, c/o Brad Wyatt
11/29/2010: 10 sets/boards [free] and 5 sets/boards @ $5 each to St. Catherine of Siena School, Norwood, MA via Mrs. Mary Russo/Dr. Miguel Zialcita
11/23/2010: 10 sets/boards  to Peirce School, 85 Park Av. Ext., Arlington MA [Margy Dunton] via Ms Dorothy Shuette, 49 Bow St., Arlington MA
10/26/2010: 10 boards and sets  to St. Louis School in Webster MA via Jim Dunion
10/12/2010: 10 boards and sets free; 5 boards and sets @ $4/10 free sets to replace lost 14 sets [9/27/2015] 4 additional sets @ $10 ea. [[10/13/2015] to St. Agatha School, Milton, MA via Beebe Wiegand [principal-Maureen Simmons; liaison-Daryl Cameron Every Esq.]
10/10/2010: 8 sets and boards  to Adams Library, Chelmsford, Maureen Foley in charge, via Gwen Ratte Meins
10/10/2010: 2 sets and boards to Maimonides School, Brookline, via David Grinstein
10/01/2010: 15 sets and boards free [10 free & 5 @ $4 each] to St. Paul's School, Wellesley MA via Mr. & Mrs. McGinty of Medway MA
09/28/2010: 10 sets and boards to Heath Elementary School, Brookline, MA via Maryanne Reilly
09/28/2010: 2 sets and boards to BB&N Prep School, Cambridge MA via Maryanne Reilly
09/28/2010: 2 sets and boards to AMSA [Advanced Math and Science Academy] Charter School, Marlborough MA via Maryanne Reilly
09/17/2010: 30 sets and boards [20 free, 10 @ $4 each] to Save-the-Children Federation, Zambia, W. Africa, via Dandy Manning-Karaca
07/13/2010: 12 sets and boards [6 free, 6 @ $4 each] to Memorial School Gr. 3-4, Medway via Anne McElhinny, 12 Carriage House Way, Medway MA
06/01/2010: 14 sets and boards to Manning School, Jamaica Plain via Nicole Perez
05/01/2010: 10 sets and boards to Drug Rehab program, located in Brockton but covering several locations in New England
01/01/2009: 25 sets and boards to Needham Public School System
12/01/2008: 5 sets and boards to Andover HS
10/01/2008: 10 sets and boards to Northboro - Cornerstone Academy
09/01/2008: 10 sets and boards to Brookline - Baker and Runkle Schools via Igor Foygel
08/01/2008: 10 sets and boards to Cambridge - Kennedy-Longfellow K-8 School
07/01/2008: 10 sets and boards to Cambridge Rindge & Latin HS
06/01/2008: 5 sets and boards to Longmeadow - Center School
06/01/2008: 10 sets and boards to Needham School System
05/01/2008: 10 sets and boards to Medford Boys and Girls Club
05/01/2008: 10 sets and boards to Millbury - Shaw School
04/01/2008: 10 sets and boards to Nativity Prep
04/01/2008: 30 sets and boards to Grafton schools program via Steve Hammond
03/01/2008: 12 sets and boards to Hudson Boys and Girls Club
03/01/2008: 8 sets and boards to Hanscom Air Force Base
02/01/2008: 7 sets and boards @ $4 each [6 for school; 1 for contact person] to Hosmer Elementary School, Watertown, MA
11/01/2007: 12 sets and boards to Shirley Middle School, Shirley, MA
10/01/2007: 12 sets and boards to Ben Franklin Classical Charter School, Franklin, MA
07/01/2007: 5 sets and boards to Youth Ministry Program, Dorchester, MA
02/01/2007: 12 sets and boards to Fitchburg School District [3 schools], Fitchburg, MA
03/18/2006: 12th Youth Chessfest to 35 children, Malden, MA
06/01/2005: 10 sets and boards to Portsmouth Middle School, Portsmouth, RI
05/19/2005: 10 sets and boards to Grafton Elementary School expanding program, Grafton, MA
05/13/2005: 6 sets and boards to Perl Chess Academy, Watertown, MA
04/10/2005: 10 sets and boards to Knight Move Jr. Chess Club, Cumberland, RI
03/30/2005: 8 sets and boards to Bird Street Community Center, Dorchester, MA
01/05/2005: 10 sets and boards to Salem Chess Program, Salem, NH
01/04/2005: 5 sets and boards to Greene Library, Greene, RI
01/04/2005: 2 sets and boards to Warwick Senior Center, Warwick, RI
12/31/2004: 6 sets and 10 boards to Westwood Chess Club, Westwood, MA
12/22/2004: 20 sets and boards to Grafton Elementary School Chess Club, Grafton, MA
12/08/2004: 10 sets and boards to Parlin Library Chess Program, Everett, MA
11/24/2004: 5 sets and boards to Greenville Library, Smithfield, RI
11/23/2004: 8 sets and boards to Cub Scout Pack 28, South Hamilton MA
10/12/2004: 10 sets and boards to Jonas Clarke Middle School, Lexington MA
10/10/2004: 30 sets and boards to Lowell Chess Program, Lowell MA
09/30/2004: 32 sets and boards to 21st Century after school chess program Somerville, MA. Schools involved: East Somerville Community School, Winterhill Community School, Healy School, and West Somerville Community School
09/10/2004: 15 sets and boards to Westford Chess Club, Westford MA
07/26/2004: 20 sets and boards to Wellesley Free Library, Wellesley MA
06/16/2004: 20 sets and boards to Beebe School, Malden MA
05/14/2004: 10 sets and boards to Lincoln School, Providence, RI
05/06/2004: 15 sets and boards to Lafayette Regional School, Franconia, NH
04/27/2004: 6 sets and boards to Thacher Montessori School, Milton, MA
04/16/2004: 8 sets and boards to Brackett School, Belmont, MA
04/05/2004: 8 sets and boards to Westland Elementary School, Chelmsford, MA
03/17/2004: 5 sets and boards to Memorial Elementary School, Springfield, MA
02/18/2004: 5 sets and boards to Hyde Park Library, Hyde Park, MA
02/16/2004: 20 sets and boards to St. Mary's School's expanding program, Melrose, MA
01/19/2004: 11 Boston Youth Chessfest to 110 youngsters, ages 6 to 18 took part in playing in this event, which had a low entry fee of $3. The event was held in Jamaica Plain at English High School.